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The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang de Stephen Owen
Descripción - Reseña del editor Hailed as the most important and most comprehensive single study of Tang poetry to have appeared in English when originally published by Yale University Press in 1981, this Quirin Press Revised Edition brings back into print this much sought after title and offers the full original text with the following features: Older Wade-Giles transliteration fully updated and revised to the current Pinyin standard; Fully re-typeset and proofed for typographical errors and inconsistencies. New expanded index including Chinese characters; Also available in a fully searchable E-book format including Chinese unicode characters ISBN: 978-1-922169-07-5 (pdf) Following Owen's analysis in 'The Poetry of Early Tang' (also available from Quirin Press) of poetry as an art of social gesture and occasion this title explores the poetry of the High Tang which has often been referred to as 'apogee of all Chinese poetry.' Rather than merely defining the poetic art of eighth century China through Wang Wei, Li Bai, and Du Fu, Owen delves into the norms of the age to become acquainted with the symbiotic relationship that existed both between the major and lesser talents of the age, and the overall literary tradition. In these pages the poetry of the High Tang comes to life as a self-conscious art form, which, combined with a rekindling of China's poetic past, lead to a more personal mode of expression and individual voice that culminated in the unprecedented and dazzling efflorescence of the art. Extracts available on Keywords: Chinese Poetry - Tang Dynasty 618-907 - Poetics - History & Criticism. Owen's companion volume on the Early Tang is also available from Quirin Press ISBN: 978-1-922169-02-0 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-922169-03-7 (pdf). For further information and extracts visit
Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang
- Autor: Stephen Owen
- Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar PDF The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang de Stephen Owen PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
: The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang ~ This item: The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang by Stephen Owen Paperback $86.00. In stock. Ships from and sold by Book Depository US. The Poetry of the Early Tang by Stephen Owen Paperback $68.00. In stock on June 25, 2020. Order it now. Ships from and sold by . FREE Shipping.
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang ~ The Great Age of Chinese Poetry (Paperback) The High Tang. By Stephen Owen. Quirin Press, 9781922169068, 652pp. Publication Date: May 9, 2013
Stephen Owen: The great age of Chinese poetry: the High T ~ Stephen Owen: The great age of Chinese poetry: the High T'ang. XV, 440 pp. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1981. £15.90. - Volume 44 Issue 3 - A. M. Birrell
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High Tang by Stephen Owen ~ Much of his work has focused on the middle period of Chinese literature (200-1200), however, he has also written on literature of the early period and the Qing. Owen has written or edited dozens of books, articles, and anthologies in the field of Chinese literature, especially Chinese poetry, Stephen Owen is a sinologist specializing in premodern literature, lyric poetry, and comparative poetics.
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How to Read A Chinese Poem: A Bilingual Anthology of Tang ~ This bilingual edition of Tang poems offers a new approach to reading and understanding classical Chinese poetry. Included are nearly two hundred regulated verses written by the great poets of the Tang Dynasty, such as Du Fu, Li Bai, Wang Wei, Li Shangyin, and Meng Haoran.
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